Friday, December 21, 2012

Dolgan Diamondbeard

Dolgan Diamondbeard

Wow! This project was crazy. I went through so many different variations for this guy and on a roller coaster of different sketching/inking/painting styles. I eventually settled with a "rougher" speed paint style that I learned from Idrawgirls videos on Youtube. I have been watching his videos for a long time and he seems very knowledgeable. I figured it was time I tried a new painting style, it was surely faster, but presented its own problems that I have to learn to conquer. All-in-all I am pretty happy with the outcome, there are a couple of things I would still change, but I may just start the concept over again.

We will see where this guy goes in the future, I would eventually like to sculpt and paint him in Zbrush. So stay tuned!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dolgan Diamondbeard Progress

Rough Sketches
Here are the orthographic views as well as an action shot of my character concept.

Character Story

Dolgan Diamondbeard is a human who lived his life amongst the dwarves deep in the mountains. He spent his life in the mines and learning to craft the strongest Dwarven Weapons and armor. Growing up amongst dwarves he grew out his beard and adorned himself with dwarven armor and relics. Eventually he was old enough to seek out his own adventures, therefore he traveled into the Frozen Wastes. He would one day return to his home in the mountain, but much wiser than before.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Matte Painting

After a couple of attempts at this matte painting I finally created something that I was happy with. I really like how the knight turned out and the atmosphere of the environment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ship Paint Over

  This is a 3D Paint Over I did for a ship that I modeled in my Modeling II class last term. I am pretty happy with the results, and I will surely continue to do 3D paint overs. It reduces production time a good bit, but it complicates the painting process in a way. I am glad to have two different methods of conceptual design now! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

3D Paint Over Progress

  First I rendered out a shot that I thought would yield a dynamic shot. I began to paint in the water that the ship will interact with as well as some values on the ship itself. I realize now that all of the water is similar in value, so I need to work with that and create depth to the painting. I will be moving forward with the 3D Paintover, I have yet to decide how I want the sky to cast light onto the scene.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The "Scarecrow"

" The husk of a former man...A Scarecrow; some may call him, controlled by the wicked witch a constant battle to regain his humanity wages in his mind."

Here is the concept character of my re-imagining of the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.

Here is my back story for the character.

"A former farmer who died saving his children from their burning Farmhouse in Kansas. His body was disturbed and brought back to life only to be controlled by the Wicked Witch of the West. Not being dead for more than a month kept most of his body intact, including a portion of his brain. He is controlled by the witch but constantly battles to break the spell that binds their minds. He eventually is forced to help in "Creating the Tin Woodsman."

I am hoping to continue to rebuild the Wizard of Oz universe with my own spin, and the next portion I hope to take on is "Creating the Tin Woodsman."

Updated Scarecrow

Base Colors

I decided to change the initial design. I went for something with a little more attitude. So I created orthographic sketches, inked them in Photoshop and placed base colors in.

Rendering Progress
Moving forward with the render I added shadows, highlights, and defined his form a bit more.